Who We Are
We are a German dance group (Schuhplattler Gruppe) based in the Orlando area and our Verein was founded in 1980. Our dancers perform throughout the state, but mostly in the Central Florida area. Our mission is to create and foster among our members a genuine love for Alpine traditions and customs, Schuhplattler folk dances and comradeship.

What We Do
We perform our Schuhplattler dances at both private and public events all over the state of Florida. Oktoberfests are our main performance venue, but we also dance at International festivals and do annual charity performances at local assisted living facilities where we give back to the community.
All Generations
Our dance group encompasses all generations. We have a Kindergruppe (children’s group) that practices and performs along with an adult group. We also have members who support our group without performing or dancing. Besides our performance schedule, we attend weekly practice, have fundraisers and special events.
Avalon Park Oktoberfest
Every year we host a Biergarten at the Avalon Park Oktoberfest, located in downtown Avalon Park. Our annual fundraising event celebrates with German food, Imported German Beer, music by the talented Europa Band and dance performances by our group – Schuhplattler Gruppe Alpenrose.

What in the world is Schuhplattler?
Schuhplattler is a traditional style of folk dancing that became popular in the southern regions of Germany and Austria. It’s considered a courtship dance that copies the wooing behavior of the Auerhahn (a very flirtatious bird). Couples march out in a circle on the dance floor, the male dancers stomp, clap, and hit the soles of their shoes and thighs with their hands, and the ladies, wearing specially made dirndls, spin around the men creating a bell with their skirts. The couples waltz, perform figures and clap hands as well.
The men wear traditional leather pants known as Lederhosen and the women wear a Dirndl (dress) or Mieder (vest) with a skirt and apron. The Schuhplattler dances often take their names from the towns where they originated, like Reit im Winkl or Ruhpolding, other dances are named after a profession, like the Holzhacker, which means wood cutter.
We cherish the traditional aspect of our dances and costume but feel it is essential to add laughter, fun and enthusiasm to our performances. When we perform for a crowd we want to leave them energized and connected to our German culture.
TANZEN-LACHEN-LEBEN is our motto which means Dance-Laugh-Live and it sums up what our group is all about.

Reach out to us
We welcome anyone who is interested in German culture, who enjoys dancing, German traditions and Gemuetlichkeit (Friendship & Good Times) to come to one of our practices. Dance practices are held most Tuesday nights at 7 pm at the German American Society of Central Florida. Send us a message to find out the schedule and more.